Feb 8 / Community

Snow Day

Let’s make winter magical. The forecast for tomorrow says snow, so we have a chilly-themed challenge for you.

The Challenge:

  • Build a snowman at MarketStreet, tomorrow, [INSERT DATE HERE].
  • Take a picture of your snowman.
  • Email the picture to us at MarketStreet.Lynnfield@wsdevelopment.com, or upload it to social media and tag us at @marketstreetlynnfield.
  • When you share your picture, be sure to tell us your name and mailing address.

The Reward: 

  • The first 100 participants to show us their snowman will receive a prize in the mail within the week. Everyone else will be featured on social media.

The Rules: 

  • Your snowman must be made at MarketStreet on [INSERT DATE HERE]. And you must send us your photo by 5 PM on [INSERT DATE HERE] to win the prize!